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August 2, 2010

Reflections on Vienna 2010

The Loop -- International HIV/AIDS Alliance: "At a time when the focus on HIV and AIDS appears to be diminishing it is easy to forget that there are still over 33 million people who are living with HIV and every year 2 million people die from AIDS. HIV/AIDS is still very much with us.

"Please scroll down to read our reflections from the conference on:
The Alliance at Vienna
A focus on drugs and HIV
Human Rights, Right Now!
Show us the money!
What’s preventing HIV prevention?
Maternal health, children and HIV
Clinical Developments
Community Voices speaking their world"


Anonymous said...

It's truly incredible that there is still no hope on the horizon for over 34 million people in the world. All that money that's being wasted for military could be invested into science and finding a way for permanent solution. It is completely beyond my comprehension how this can be so easily ignored. What can possibly be more important? Until I see the headline Cure for HIV coming worldwide in less than 1 year on the front page, there won't be any consolation.