AIDS Treatment News set up Twitter account cure4 for communication at the 18th Conference on Retroviruses (formerly called CROI), February 27 - March 2 in Boston.
Main purpose: to let activists and writers at the conference know about important events before they happen. We also tweet conference and related news. We already have 58 tweets there, 3 days before CROI begins.
Anyone can read our tweets; you do NOT need a Twitter account. Just visit Or see the latest announcements on this page, in the right-hand column.
Alternatively, you can follow cure4 on almost any mobile phone (even without a Twitter account). Just send the text message:
follow cure4
to 40404 (Twitter's U.S. short code -- see Twitter support for more info). To turn off the tweets, send:
unfollow cure4
Note that capitalization does not matter.
If you do have a Twitter account and want us to retweet conference-related events and news, then include the hashtag #cure4 in your tweet, so we can find it quickly.
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