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January 5, 2011

ViiV Healthcare Opens Its Patient Assistance Program For People With HIV

The AIDS Beacon: "The program will cover the medications Combivir (zidovudine/lamivudine), Epivir (lamivudine), Epzicom (abacavir/lamivudine), Lexiva (fosamprenavir), Rescriptor (delavirdine), Retrovir (zidovudine), Selzentry (maraviroc), Trizivir (zidovudine/lamivudine/abacavir), Viracept (nelfinavir), and Ziagen (abacavir). Eligible participants must have an annual household income of no more than 500 percent of the federal poverty level ($72,850 for a family of two) and no prescription drug coverage for brand-name drugs. Patients on Medicaid are eligible if they meet income requirements and have spent $600 or more out of pocket for their HIV medications. For more information or to apply for the program, please see the ViiV Healthcare website."